This Sunday, January 13th, marks the 18th annual No Pants Subway Ride. The event takes place at
There are meeting points in Brooklyn and Queens as well. Here they are:
- Astoria: Meet at Hoyt Playground
- Brooklyn: Meet by the Old Stone House
- Downtown Manhattan: Meet at Foley Square
- Lower East Side: Meet at Sarah Roosevelt Park on Houston
- Uptown Manhattan: Meet at the Great Hill in Central Park
- Williamsburg / Bushwick: Meet at Maria Hernandez Park
RSVP to the event here!
Once you meet, organizers will divide you up into groups and send you on the subway. One stop before you’re instructed to get off, you are the remove your pants. Don’t say anything to anyone else, don’t talk to fellow pantless neighbors. You want to create mystery and wonder in these subway riders. Then, once you get off at your instructed stop, stand on the platform, and board the next train pantless. Once again, you are not to talk to fellow pantless riders, and if anyone asks, just say “I must’ve forgot my pants this morning!” All of the trains will converge on Union Square.
The official after-party will be held at Bar 13. You can RSVP to the after-party here.
Have so much fun! And, drink lots to numb your body of the cold!
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